First thought of the day.

Today I woke up and as I was thinking about my day, I began to realised that quite often the first thought when I wake up is “urrggg.. is it time to wake up now??” with an air of disdain. I think this may be a common thought for most people.

But why do we think this? Do we really want to spend our lives sleeping? Isn’t that at some level, the same as being dead? Shouldn’t our first thought, as we wake up be “Yay! It’s time to wake up! I am alive! What’s in stall for today?”

How do we go about changing these core thoughts? Because if our thoughts impact our energies, thinking something negative such as “groan – I don’t want to wake up” will be starting our energy focus for the day?

I guess that’s why I started the smile before getting out of bed campaign a while back – in an attempt to convert this energy into something good. But perhaps I wasn’t being good enough. Perhaps we need to combat this energy even earlier – before we wake up, so that we actually wake up and think “What a glorious thing, I have awoken!”.

I’ve been looking on Google (thus why I was late to sign in here this morning) and discovered I am not the only person who has been thinking about this kind of thing, and one element that has been blamed is the dreaded alarm clock. We are waking ourselves up before our body is wanting to, so in some effect it is protesting.. Not good for our energies.

A suggestion to overcoming this, is using light alarms, rather than sound ones – with a gradual lighting of the room to naturally wake you up.

It sounds like something I’d like to try, although I would probably set it so that I should be fully awake about 10 minutes before I need to be and then have the dreaded sound alarm set for when I have to be up in case the light doesn’t work.

What are your thoughts on this?

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